Print & Design

NationWide Labs 40th Anninversary Brochure

To design a professional and glossy anniversary brochure to be distributed in-house to all NationWide Lab’s dedicated employees.


NW Labs


Print Media
Graphic Design

NationWide Laboratories are committed to making a positive difference to One Health through their high-quality services and products. Through innovative technology and specialist laboratory solutions provided by their team of experts, their customers know they are supported by a trusted, reliable partner committed to delivering excellence in diagnostics.

The Brief

To mark the 40th Anniversary of NationWide Labs they commisioned us to produce a brochure celebrating four decades of being one of the UK’s leading veterinary diagnostics laboritories.

The Design

To paginate and design a 40 page, high quality, glossy brochure to be enjoyed and cherished for years to come.